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Fun Learning
Lion Race
Duration:When the deck of power cards finishes
Number of players:max 4, min 2
Points to take note:
1)Each player begins with 15 coins and a pawn. Alternating by turns, players get the chance to purchase power cards using the coins they have on hand.
2)The sequence of the game will be decided by dice. The player that throws a dice of a larger numeral value gets to start first. Should two players throw out the same number, they get another chance at throwing.
3)Players are allowed to move their pawns according to the number of steps indicated on the dice thrown.
Flow of game/ Game rules:
1)The game template consists of 3 zones namely: questions, luck card and mission. When your pawn lands on any box of these categories, you will need to draw a card from the corresponding pile and answer the question or carry out the stated mission. You receive 3 coins if you answer a question correctly or successfully accomplish the mission.
2)Should you land on the coin zone, you will receive 2 coins from the bank. When you land on the penalty zone, you will need to pay 2 coins.
3)When it reaches your turn, you would have the option to purchase the power card with the coins you have or pass. Each power card is priced differently and is of varied values. One player is only allowed to purchase a maximum of 1 card per turn.
4) When you have 2 power cards, you can then purchase 1 value/ super value card. You would need to collect another 2 power card before you can purchase another value/super value card.
5) Each player will receive 2 coins when they completed one round.
How to win?
All players to calculate the value on their cards when the deck of power cards finishes. The player with the highest tallied card value will be the final winner.
Electronic Dice
Click to download the template
Do use A3 paper for printing
Do it yourself!
Duration:15 minutes
Number of players:4 at most
Points to take note:
1)Players are to be split evenly into two teams (i.e. Yellow Team VS Red Team)
2)Each group should have 3 ping pong balls at hand.
Flow of game/ Game rules:
1) Players of both teams will take turns to answer questions related to the topic of Lion Dance. If the answer is correct, that player will have a chance at throwing the ball into the "goalpost" of your team's corresponding colour.
2)If your answer is wrong, the turn will go to a player of the opposing team. Players who answer correctly should also alternate their turns within the team.
How to win?
The team that gets 3 ping pong balls into their goalpost in a shorter period of time wins.
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